Past Project

Drilling 5 Solar Artesian Wells - Burkina Faso

Well Specifications:
Artesian well with a depth of 60 to 100 m, a solar-powered automatic pump, a tank with a capacity of 5,000 liters.

Water is the source of every living thing, through which man grows, through which trees and vegetables grow, and with which animals live. However, according to international statistics, one in 10 people faces acute thirst and does not have access to a safe source of water, not one, not a hundred, but approximately 785 million people, the majority of whom are women and children. They do not find anything to satisfy the thirst, grow their food, suffice their livestock or help them meet the needs of their day. Thirsty people around the world are waiting for us to drink and water them, not water, but watered by life.

Burkina Faso
CharityInternational Islamic Charity Organization