Past Project
The first act of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in Madinah was to build a mosque. Contributing to building the House of God is one of the greatest means of closeness to God, and it will remain ongoing charity even after the death of the giver of charity.
Starting from 3500 KD
You can contribute any amount or sponsor an entire mosque, and we will contact you to put the project board and the name of the donor
Our goal is to build 5 mosques in several countries
Mosque data
the cost
A 70-meter mosque in India with a concrete ceiling that can accommodate 105 worshipers
3500 KD
A mosque in the Philippines, 70 m, the ceiling is iron and zinc insulation (with a well, an electric pump and a plastic tank of 250 liters) that can accommodate 105 worshipers
3750 KD
A mosque in Somalia 80 m, the ceiling is iron and insulating and your weight can accommodate 120 worshipers
3900 KD
A mosque in Bangladesh 70 m, the ceiling is concrete (with a well, an electric pump and a plastic tank of 500 liters) that can accommodate 105 worshippers
4000 KD
A mosque in Senegal, the ceiling is concrete, with an area of 70 m, that can accommodate 105 worshipers
4960 KWD