Ihsan for Teaching the Holy Quran | Inside Kuwait

Tanmeia Charity Association
Ihsan for Teaching the Holy Quran | Inside Kuwait - Tanmeia Charity Association
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**The Ihsan Circles Project for Teaching the Quran** aims to instill the love of the Quran, contemplation of its meanings, memorization, and adherence to its morals among various age groups in Kuwait. This is achieved through organizing Quranic circles, lectures, competitions, and diverse activities that nurture a love for the Quran and the mosque in the hearts of boys and girls.

The project allows everyone to contribute to the noble cause of learning and teaching the Quran. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

*"The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it."*

**Project Goals:**

1. Instilling the love of the Quran and the mosque in the hearts of boys and girls.

2. Encouraging boys and girls to join Quranic circles.

3. Teaching Quranic recitation.

4. Mastering both theoretical and practical Tajweed.

5. Encouraging students to reflect on the Quran and embody its morals.

6. Helping students memorize the Quran through various programs suited to all groups.
