The first stage: the village of Elaf for the people of Yemen

International Islamic Charity Organization
The first stage: the village of Elaf for the people of Yemen - International Islamic Charity Organization
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220685 KD
281040 KD

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Building a village consisting of 100 housing units, a mosque, a school, a health unit and artesian wells in areas in need of the displaced population due to the wars and conflicts in the city of Mokha in Yemen, to provide adequate and stable shelter and housing that protects these families from the severe cold and summer heat, as well as providing services and facilities to the village to alleviate their suffering and stand by them by giving them a decent life.

Project Components:

- Construction and equipping of 100 housing units with furnishing (house area 46.86 m2).

- A mosque with an area of 181 m2 that can accommodate 300 worshipers.

- A school with furnishing that includes 6 classrooms for 270 students and administrative offices.

- Medical center with furnishing.

- 60-meter artesian well powered by solar energy with a tank with a capacity of 2000 cubic liters.

- Basic services supporting the residential village such as (afforestation of the village, construction of sidewalks, street lighting, village sanitary works and extensions, manholes ... and others).

Village Specifications:

- Land area (27,000 m2).

- Actual construction area (5,210 m2).

- Number of beneficiaries in the region (4500 people).

- The capacity of the village (100 families).

- The land is suspended for the benefit of the project.

مكونات المشروع:

- بناء وتجهيـز عدد 100 وحدة سكنية مع التأثيث (مساحة البيت 46,86 م2).

- مسجد بمساحة 181م2 يتسع لعدد 300 مصلي.

- مدرسة مع التأثيث تتضمن 6 فصول دراسية تسع لعدد 270 طالب وطالبة ومكاتب إدارية.

- مركز طبي مع التأثيث.

- بئـر ارتوازي بعمق 60 متر يعمل بالطاقة الشمسية مع خزان بسعة 2000 لتـر مكعب.

- الخدمات الأساسية المساندة للقرية السكنية مثل (تشجير القرية، بناء أرصفة، إنارة للشوارع، والأعمال الصحية للقرية والتمديدات، غرف تفتيش ...وغيرها).

مواصفات القرية:

- مساحة الأرض (27,000 م2).

- مساحة البناء الفعلي (5,210 م2).

- عدد المستفيدين بالمنطقة (4500 نسمة).

- الطاقة الاستيعابية للقرية (100 أسرة).

- الأرض موقوفة لصالح المشروع.
